Indian Ocean piracy area off Somalia
source: Google Earth blog
Over and over again the fleet has captured pirates only to free them, allowing for repeated piracy acts to continue. Seldom have pirates been prosecuted with success.
Interested countries have a much more effective and economical way of solving this issue: Drones.
Drones have been used multiple times over Somalia and have to range to cover the area effectively. They also have the cameras and sensors to identify pirates beyond doubt without being detected. (Often pirates just drop their weapons on the water after seeing a naval vessel in the horizon). Furthermore, drones have the perfect weapons to sink with precision the pirates' vessels. Furthermore no risk of collateral damage exists!
The US can launch them from the usual places (the equipments are already in place). France can use bases in Djibouti... China and Russia also have their Unmanned Aerial Vehicles...
Will anyone miss the sunk pirates?
NATO / US, China, Russia - what are you waiting for?

MQ-9 Reaper / Predator drone in flight
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