The Cablegate scandal provides a very public way of scrutinizing the quantity and quality of the work of American diplomatic missions throughout the planet.
So, if you are a US diplomat you are probably keeping your fingers crossed to see your cables published, and hopefully discussed for the relevance of their content. Otherwise it is going to look like you've been slacking...
Clearly Wikileaks is doing a favour to the State Department. Can't people in DC see that and give Julian Assange some credit? Maybe even a job offer?
In previous leaks the Department of Defense and the US Armed Forces kept some semblance of dignity, whereas the State Department screams like an operetta virgin!
Furthermore it seems the US Government has not learned to live in the Internet age: it tries to use dirty tricks to deal with Wikileaks in a way that only further sinks its image.
The rape accusations*, the DNS issues, the dumping from Amazon, the end of Paypal service, the DDS attacks...
Altogether, these ongoing actions show a lack of dignity and an Obama administration that is not up to the challenges of the XXI century. At least Bush had an excuse, simply by who he was, while we are now starting to see that Obama's main line is not "change", but "pretense". The US reacted to the changing nature of the world in a way that makes China's handling of the Internet almost elegant.
The emperor's clothes are no more!
Warning to Assange:
Mr Assange has expressed his fears of extradition to the US. Many outraged souls across the Atlantic have demanded he be brought there to face "justice". However it is our belief that will never happen:
- for a minute imagine Mr Assange is put on trial by a US Federal Court using World War I espionage legislation. Further, imagine he gets a long custodial sentence.
- the would make Mr Assange the world's most famous political prisoner, and his jailer would be the Nobel peace winner, President Hussein Obama. What a delight for China, Cuba or even North Korea. The US would be further shamed on a daily basis for as long as Mr Assange would be in jail.
- so, Mr Assange should fear something else: he should fear for his own life. If the the US "intelligence" community gets its act together, he will have an accident on of these days, probably a fatal one. I'm sure the US still have some expertise from cold war times, certainly not all Americans in power think that the only way to solve issues it to invade countries...
* the sordid details:
- woman 1: had consensual intercourse once, but she complains that she was asleep during the second time.
- woman 2: had consensual intercourse but the condom came out in the process.

Julian Assange, editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks
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